Parish News

Parish News

Here we will try to keep you as up to date as possible on whats happening in the Parish including of course what is coming up and news on Parish developments and planning.

If you have information which is relevant to the Parish and would like us to highlight it here then please feel free to drop us a note.

The Parish Bulletin is available for download also. Click on the image below.

(Click on the image to download pdf)

Copies of previous newsletters are available in PDF format. Contact us for details.

Parish Newsletter

23rd Sunday of the Year B

Events in the Parish

Deanery Council Consultation

Looking to the Future. Being Faithful to the Past

The Archdiocese of Glasgow has a rich faith tradition which is celebrated today in parish communities across the city and beyond. These parishes have taken shape as the Catholic community has sought to respond to the need for Pastoral Care in changing circumstances. Our parishes have been sustained by the faithful commitment of men and women, not simply to their local community, but to the Church, to the Gospel and to the movement of the Holy Spirit. Today, as ever, fidelity to that tradition implies a willingness to go further and to respond to new challenges.

“When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, “Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.” Luke 5:4

For some time, it has become clear that the current arrangement of parishes within the Archdiocese of Glasgow will be difficult to sustain into the future. Change is never easy as it invites us to leave our safe harbours behind and cast off into the deep. In putting out our nets for a catch we seek a renewal of parish life and a rediscovery of collaborative ministry at the heart of our mission.

Together we seek a new spirit of evangelisation to create vibrant faith filled communities where Christ’s presence is celebrated. We seek a renewal of priestly and lay ministry. We seek a more collaborative experience of ministry. In fidelity to those who have gone before us we seek a new Pentecost for the Church in the Archdiocese of Glasgow. The process outlined here invites a review of parish structures. This process seeks to encourage discussion, to promote growth, and through a spirit of collaboration to build a strong pastoral response to the challenges faced by the Church today, particularly the shortage of priests. In this discussion we identify the deanery structure with the goal of considering how we might better work together, priests and people, sharing faith and sharing resources. This discussion will enable decisions to be made on matters such as:

  • The number of parishes and churches required to serve a given pastoral area.
  • The distribution of priests across the Archdiocese.
  • The number of priests assigned to serve a given pastoral area.
  • The number of Masses to be celebrated at the weekend and on weekdays within a given area.

For more information on this process then please download the files on the right and have a read through. The content can also be viewed by clicking here. It is important that as many people of the Parish contribute their thoughts to this process in order for it to be as full an assessment as possible. Please do try to find the time to engage with this.

Recent News

Easter Gift Tree

This year our Parish collected items that went directly to the poor and vulnerable in our city who are afflicted by homelessness.


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Double Celebration for the Parish!

There was indeed much cause for celebration this year with two notable dates arrived at in February and March.