Parish News
Here we will try to keep you as up to date as possible on whats happening in the Parish including of course what is coming up and news on Parish developments and planning.
If you have information which is relevant to the Parish and would like us to highlight it here then please feel free to drop us a note.
The Parish Bulletin is available for download also. Click on the image below.
Copies of previous newsletters are available in PDF format. Contact us for details.
Recent News
The Transitus of St Francis
Join us on Thursday October 3rd, 7pm at Blessed Duns Scotus Church Ballater St, Gorbals, Glasgow G5 0YT

NEW MASS TIMES; (beginning 31 August/01 September)
Saturday 5.30pm (Vigil), Confessions 5-5.15pm
Sunday 10am + 12 noon; (NO 6PM Mass)
Holyday Masses: 7pm (Vigil), lOam + School
Weekday Masses: 10am; (Tuesday Confessions 9.30-9.45am)
Tuesday Novena Service 8pm Confessions
New Franciscan Community (as from 1st September)
Br. NIALL O'CONNELL OFM (Guardian, Director FMU); friar
Br. NINIAN ARBUCKL£ OFM (Vicar) friar priest, retired
Br. DÓNAL WALSH OFM (acting P.P. till October 2025) friar priest
Br. CAOIMHÍN Ó LAOIDE OFM (due to be P.P. October 2025) friar priest
We welcome Niall (Dublin) and Caoimhín (Cweveen) (Kerry) to Glasgow and our Community.
They, like Dónal, have other commitments for the Order and Franciscan Province which means they will occasionally be away from BJDS and Glasgow. Br. Caoimhín is due to be away for a month this year and about 4 months next year on work for the Franciscan Order. During this time, there will be only one active friar priest for ministry in the parish. While Br. Dónal is away mid to 25 September on Franciscan work, Br. Eddie is kindly staying until Dónal's return. It is then that Eddie will unfortunately depart to England

Easter Gift Tree
This year our Parish collected items that went directly to the poor and vulnerable in our city who are afflicted by homelessness.
Double Celebration for the Parish!
There was indeed much cause for celebration this year with two notable dates arrived at in February and March.