A brief welcome!

Mass Details


Vigil Mass (Saturday): 5:30pm

Sunday: 10am; 12 noon.

Parish News

Supporting The Parish

The Parish lives with the support of the people of the Parish. There are many ways for parishioners or anyone to support the work of the Parish.

Welcome to the website for the parish of Blessed John Duns Scotus in the Gorbals Glasgow. Home to the Franciscan friars.

We hope that you may find what you are looking on this site. If not then please drop us a line.

We are continually gathering together information and images  to be added to the site.

Thank you for your visit.

Season of Lent

ASH WEDNESDAY: Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, 5th March (A DAY OF FASTING AND ABSTINENCE). Masses will be at 10am and 7pm on the day. Blessed Ashes will be distributed at each Mass (and in the school).

HOLY HOUR: (First Fridays - 7th March & 4th April) from 5.45pm to 6.45pm.

HOLY HOUR: (Every Monday) from 6pm to 7pm.

EVENING PRAYER: (Every Monday from 5.45pm to 6pm, the Franciscan Community prays Evening Prayer in the church (Divine Office). All are welcome to join us. Evening Prayer is followed by Eucharistic adoration.

STATIONS OF THE CROSS: Every Friday, at 7pm, throughout Lent.

All these prayer times are opportunities for our Lenten prayer life as a parish community.

Sacrament Dates, Meetings & Classes

All parents/Guardians of those children preparing for and due to celebrate the Sacraments of Confirmation, Reconciliation, and First Eucharist, should have received letters from both parish and St Francis Primary School along with dates of parish preparations and celebrations for each appropriate Sacrament.

If for any reason a parent/Guardian of a child due for such a Sacrament has not received such information (especially if not at St Francis Primary  school or attending a non-Catholic school), please contact Fr. Dónal or Fr. Caoimhín by phone or email info@blessedjohndunsscotusparish.org.

The Parish Preparation Sessions can be viewed here and are obligatory and to be attended by child and parent/guardian prior to reception and celebration of each Sacrament.


We are delighted to welcome our two Friars who are new to the area. Joining our existing community we welcome Brs Niall OFM (on right) and Br Caoimhín OFM.

Its great to have them onboard to add their energy and enthusiasm to parish life. We look forward to this new stage in the continuing story of the Franciscans place in the Gorbals and also in Glasgow. Please welcome them when you see them. They are very approachable! Best wishes to them both.


The most recent newsletter from the Archdiocese regards the Deanery Consultation process is available to read and download here. Click on the image on the left to download either page of which there are two.

There is also helpful information regards Lenten activities across the Diocese which we would encourage our parishioners to try to participate where possible. Make this Lent a more meaningful experience.

Recent News

Fr Ed's Last Mass

11th September 2024 brought an end to Fr Ed's time as parish priest in the Gorbals. His last mass was celebrated with a packed church followed by a buffet and some last goodbyes.


Easter Gift Tree

This year our Parish collected items that went directly to the poor and vulnerable in our city who are afflicted by homelessness.


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Please pray for vocations to the Franciscan Order